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Why Everyone Except You Is Moving On?

 "I attend courses, read books, listen to CD's, yet I am still not living the life I want to and am unhappy with the life I have. How can I have the life I want to have?"

This is a surprisingly common dilemma. There are many people out there who could be called "Seminar Junkies". They go from course to course, book to book, guru to guru desperately seeking answers, yet never finding them.

They watch the people around them have magical transformations in their lives, and feel frustrated and resentful that they are not getting the same results. These people typically continue to attend course after course until eventually they give up and live a life of quiet desperation.

Now, I'm going to share a huge secret with you, though you have to promise not to tell everyone else, because otherwise all these people who make their living from self help seminars and books will get very upset at me for sharing this secret.

The majority of people who attend self-help seminars, read the books, listen to the CD's are all desperately looking for someone else to change their lives. They refuse to take responsibility for their lives and firmly believe that the only way they can change is if some guru waves their magic wand and blesses them. Then, and only then, will they have permission, and the ability, to change.

Here's a newsflash.

No guru, no self help book, no seminar, no CD is going to change your life.

The only way you are going to change your life is if you decide to change it.

You can attend the courses, listen to CD's and read the books, but if you are not willing to take responsibility for what you have in your life and accept your own power and ability to change it, you are never going to get the changes you want.

That's right. You'll just stay the same.

People are far too willing in today's society to give away their personal power and responsibility for their lives. They are always jumping from diet to diet or from health fad to health fad or whatever, hoping that one of them will actually make a difference for them

If you want to change your life you need to follow these 5 steps:

Make a decision right now that you are going to change your life. There are many different ways to do this, and I teach a number of motivational techniques on my courses and in my workbooks you can use to help you make this decision.

Take responsibility for everything that is in your life, no matter how good or bad. You created and accepted it into your life, and as such, you can change it.

Decide what you do want in your life, what you are going to accept and what you are not going to accept. If you don't know what you want, look at what you don't want, and the opposite of that is what you want. Decide on who and what you want to be. Create an action plan for change. Create a plan for how you are going to make these changes.

And the most important step of all, DO IT. That's right, do it and make the changes. This is the step that separates the achievers and successful people from the dreamers living a life of mediocrity.

If you have been attending all these seminars, reading these books and you still haven't managed to change your life, then look inside yourself and ask this question.

"Am I taking responsibility for changing my life?"

If the answer is no, then take responsibility and start changing your life today. Whether you work with someone else, or you work with me, take responsibility and use the knowledge of the "guru's" and the courses and the books and implement them into your life and create the life of your dreams; the life you deserve.

You can wait for an eternity for someone else to make the changes for you, and it'll never happen. YOU just have to DO it yourself. Stop putting things off now, because the more you put things off the more painful and difficult it will get.

P.S. If you are reading this and saying "I tried" or "I can't" or something similar then you absolutely need to re-read this article right now two or three times and implement it into your life. It is time to stop trying and start doing. 
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